Freedom of movement for all

What we’re calling for:

  • End the EU border regime
  • Freedom of movement, residence and livelihood for all


Europe is built on a history of colonialism, slavery, imperialism, extractivism and exploitation that continues today.

Modern borders are colonial and racist constructs, and the EU’s border policies institutionalise this violence, injustice and inequality. The EU has no right to stop people at its borders and no-one should be illegal.

Europe’s anti-immigration policies, in particular the militarisation of borders, have led to more violence against and risks for people on the move. They are forced to use more dangerous migration routes and are driven into the hands of traffickers and unscrupulous smuggling networks, which have often taken over where local people who assisted migrants on their journey were driven out of work by severe repression. In this way the EU itself creates the market for trafficking and smuggling it says it is fighting against.

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